AADB 140th Annual Meeting October 19-21, 2023

Loews Hollywood Hotel 1755 North Highland Avenue Hollywood, CA 99028
Please note, that if you are an active voting AADB Member and are a current or previous Board of Dentistry Member, Legal Counsel, Administrator, or Investigator, this year’s registration fee will be waived. If you have any issues, please opt for the invoice selection for payment, however, you won’t be billed for registration. If you are an active voting AADB Member and are a current or previous Board of Dentistry Member, Legal Counsel, Administrator, or Investigator and already registered and paid for your registration, please reach out to [email protected] and she will assist you with a refund. Individual Member - Voting:Any individuals who currently serve or who have served on a board of dentistry for any licensing jurisdiction within the United States or Canada or who currently serve or who have served as administrators or attorneys for said boards of dentistry, such as:
- Past Board Members, Attorneys, Investigators & Administrators
- Current State Board Members
All AADB Membership Prices:
- Individual Voting Membership is $350
- Individual Voting Past Board Membership is $150
- Associate Member - Non-Voting is $350
- Student Member - Non-Voting is $99
- For Lifetime Membership eligibility, please reach out to Stephanie at [email protected].
Please contact the central office if we can be of further assistance at [email protected].